News Update: CERB Event for International Women’s Day

As part of our engagement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in honor of International Women’s Day we held a conference on the 14th of March 2018 at Karachi Marriott. The conference was titled “Driving Economic Growth through Women’s Employment in Pakistan”. Attendees were from both private and public sector.

The first panel discussion focused on policy makers that discussed women’s economic participation in Pakistan and the recent efforts and reforms undertaken by the government on how to address the legal barriers. The first panel saw the likes of presenters such as Khawar Mumtaz, Dr Shamshaad Akhtar and Salman Sufi. The second panel discussion centered on how the private sector can aid women in being more economically powered. Featured were companies such as United Bank, English Biscuits, Artistic Milliners and Engro Thar who are providing innovative tools and solutions to recruit, retain more women in the workforce and provide them with leadership opportunities.

The session ended with companies making pledges on the pledge wall. These were divided into internal and external commitments, the former contains commitments such as providing safe transport to women, conducting gender assessment, improving childcare and parental leave options for working parents etc. The latter contains commitments such as becoming a male champion of change, signing the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP’s), become a #HeforShe etc. A total of 22 pledges were made that day.