Ethical Practices

Ethical Practices

The ethical practices of responsible companies are concerned with creating a culture of ownership over the ethical and legal obligations of organizations to their stakeholders, which includes their investors, partners, employees, shareholders, regulators, the general public, and the environment. These practices encompass key moral principles such as honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity, integrity, trust and individual rights, reflected in a company’s Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, Whistleblowing Policy, and so on. At CERB, we provide value through a host of programmes to assist organizations in their governance approach to business ethics, particularly by inculcating these values across all employees and members of their supply chains.

Our current offerings include:

Trainings and Webinars

Individualized trainings and webinars on workplace ethics.

Partnerships with global experts on sustainable leadership.

Policy Advisory

Policy advisory on building an inclusive and responsible business climate.

For more information on how we can help your organization, or to align with as knowledge partners on a private-sector engagement, please contact us to connect with a relevant member of our team.