The ethical leadership dilemma is increasingly taking centre stage in the world of responsible business conduct. A global knowledge leader in ethics and compliance, ACCA have been our go-to knowledge partners for Ethics and Governance.

With the British Asian Trust, we have a focal partnership on empowering Pakistan’s workforce. We have conducted workshops under SDG 3, as well as a roundtable discussion on company leadership and its support for employee mental health.

ConnectHear is a valued partner for inclusive workplaces and delivering Pakistani Sign Language interpretation to make our private-sector engagements more accessible. We are currently working on a joint landscape analysis on Disability Inclusion in Pakistan’s workplaces, announced at the Access.Ability.Awards 2022.

GIZ is partnered with us on developing a climate-risk assessment framework for companies to manage climate-related risks, and propose a climate-transition plan to enhance Pakistan’s resilience as a Top-10 vulnerable country.
IFC, a World Bank company, has been a strategic partner on multiple projects for gender equality over the past 3 years: enhancing women’s employment, family-friendly workplaces; improving Pakistan’s investment competitiveness through social disclosures; and gender-inclusive climate action.
UNDP Pakistan is a key development partner with us since 2019, when we conducted a survey on SDGs and sustainable development reporting among listed companies with the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The results were shared at a conference in December 2019 at the PSX. CERB with UNDP also developed a policy paper to encourage the business case for sustainable development in Pakistan.
CERB has been in a Memorandum of Understanding with UNICEF to promote family-friendly policies in the workplace, consulting with various stakeholders to develop holistic and affordable modules for Pakistan’s corporate sector. We have hosted webinars and roundtables to engage stakeholders, currently working on a paper to present the childcare and afterschool care models discussed.
In partnership with UN Women, we have consulted on a strategic approach to improve Pakistan’s metrics related to gender equality, as well as reporting and transparency of the country’s private sector to Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs).