Corporate Sustainability Disclosures: Making the Journey workshop held in collaboration with SDG Leader for Goal 12, Interloop

The Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business held a workshop “Corporate Sustainability Disclosures: Making the Journey.” in collaboration with Interloop Limited, who is our sponsor for SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. This workshop aimed to help private sector organisations set measurable goals for their ESG journeys and develop mechanisms to document and archive them to gauge progress.

In this workshop sustainability professionals from all over Pakistan gathered together to learn and refresh their knowledge on sustainability and how to progress towards ESG reporting.

Target 12.6 is the only target in the SDGs which is for the private sector. This target focuses on the number of sustainability reports produced by a country. According to research only 50 out of 540 companies are producing sustainability reports among the listed companies in Pakistan

The workshop began with a session by Muhammad Fauz ul Azeem, General Manager, Corporate Sustainability & Chemical Management at Interloop Limited. The presentation outlined the key elements of Interloop’s sustainability strategy.

Throughout the two-day workshop, CERB facilitated the steps which lead to establishing a focused ESG strategy: developing a business case, identifying material issues by benchmarking with global best practices and stakeholder engagement, developing targets and KPIs and finally developing a reporting framework.

Participants got the chance to hear from experts and leaders who are spearheading the sustainability process in the organisation. Faryal Sadiq, VP Sales & Marketing reflected on how Interloop’s vision is tied to the organisation sustainability strategy, and how the mission guides the process.

Both Faryal Sadiq and Lucky Core Industries’ Sabir Mehmood, identified a need to have representatives to work together in a committee to set and review targets. “Our sustainability council helps us streamline targets and reporting requirements to the business units.” she said

Knowledge expert, Saleha Asif spoke of how the ESG approach adds value, reflecting on her work in McKinsey and in Pakistan Textile Council.

Experts from ACCA and IFC shared their practices and projects to build more sustainability in their operations.