Tackling Childcare: Creating Family-Friendly Workplaces
2021 CERB, IFC Gender Secretariat
This study, part of a collaboration between IFC and Pakistan Business Council, surveyed 140 private sector employers in Pakistan, in addition to interviewing working parents, policymakers, and childcare providers, to identify challenges and opportunities for expanding employer-supported childcare and other family-friendly policies in Pakistan. The study found, for example, that only 27 percent of employers surveyed offer some type of support to meet the childcare needs of employees, despite provincial regulations around the country mandating it.
In 2019-2020, 13 Pakistani companies, employing more than 85,000 employees, came together as part of a peer learning collaboration led by IFC and Pakistan Business Council and made commitments to become more family-friendly employers by sharing experiences and implementing policies such as childcare, flex work, and paid leave.